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Image of the CEO: Izak Schipper

TV Schedule:

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What's Playing on INN tonight?

We know you love INN, and you want to see the amazing programs on our channel! We are looking forward to showing you all of the amazing content we have to offer, but before we get to our scedule for the next broadcast day- we would like to let you know our recurring shows and programs by day!

Shows that air everyday (Except Monday and Wednesday):

Below you will see an attached scedule for the week, for the times between 6am-2pm for 4/3/21:

4/3/2021: INN TV Programs
Time: Program:
6:00 AM Early Bird Gets the Worms: A Documentary
7:00 AM Awesome Morning Time
8:00 AM INN News at 8
9:00 AM INN: From Humble Origins- to Something Greater
10:00 AM How It's Made: the INN Website
11:00 AM Early Morning News in Japanese
12:00 AM Free Money Giveaway!
1:00 PM Izak-Sensei's Japanese Class!
2:00 PM Let's Learn Language!